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Bulgari, Jam Tangan Mewah Dunia Edisi Chronosprint All Blacks

Selasa, 14-06-2011 | 2 komentar | 278 hit
Bulgari, Jam Tangan Mewah Dunia Edisi Chronosprint All Blacks
Bulgari, Chronosprint All Blacks
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Jam tangan Bulgari memperkenalkan inovasi baru Endurer Edisi Chronosprint All Blacks. Inovasi ini dicioptakan untuk menghormati tim legendaris rugby Selandia Baru - All Black.
Tombol antrasit mengkilap dari Bulgari dihiasi dengan pola tato Maori yang tradisional dikenal sebagai "Koru". Pola ini diciptakan oleh seorang seniman Maori. Para Maori adalah penduduk asli Selandia Baru. Pola tato Maori bergaya simbol kehidupan, pertumbuhan dan kelahiran kembali. Hal ini juga mencerminkan asal-usul budaya Maori, menyimbolkan regenerasi yang terus-menerus. Orang-orang Maori memiliki tradisi memberikan tato untuk prajurit sebagai tanda kejantanan dan demonstrasi kesulungan dan status.
Jam-penanda ini ditingkatkan dengan Superluminova hitam agar terbaca sempurna bahkan dalam gelap. Pada tahun 1905, Bulgari membuka butik pertama di Via Condotti di Roma.

Tips Menjadikan Laptop Anda Menjadi Hotspot Area

Selasa, 01-02-2011 | 0 komentar | 835 hit
Tips Menjadikan Laptop Anda Menjadi Hotspot Area
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Hotspot area kini telah menjamur dan menjadi populer di kalangan netter – netter Indonesia. Bagi anda pemilik laptop pasti sudah pernah mencoba berinternet dengan menggunakan hotspot di berbagai hotspot area. Menggunakan hotspot memang relatif mudah dan murah..bahkan tidak jarang kini banyak area hotspot yang bisa kita nikmati secara gratis.
Namun sayangnya, pada kondisi – kondisi tertentu, kita tidak bisa menikmati suasana hotspot tersebut. Misalkan saja saat berada di rumah teman yang menggunakan koneksi ADSL / kabel, di hotel yang menggunakan ethernet connection dsb. Namun jangan khawatir, bagi anda yang memiliki laptop dengan sistem operasi windows 7, anda bisa membangun jaringan hotspot hanya bermodalkan koneksi internet dan laptop anda.
Dengan begitu, cukup laptop anda saja yang terkoneksi dengan internet (ethernet connection / kabel internet) dan teman – teman anda yang lainnya bisa ikut menikmati akses internet tersebut melalui jaringan hotspot yang anda buat. Intinya..anda akan menyulap laptop anda menjadi wireless access point supaya laptop teman- teman anda yang lain bisa berinternet jika bergabung dengan network anda happy
tertarik ??? berikut ini saya berikan langkah – langkahnya :
1. Download dan Install Connectify
2. Buka connectify dari icon yang ada di taskbar
Buka connectify dari taskbar icon
Buka Connectify dari Taskbar Icon
3. Isikan nama WiFi network, password access, kemudian tentukan jenis koneksi yang ingin anda gunakan untuk berbagi (support LAN, VirtualBox Host Only, Wireless Network, serta tanpa internet sharing). Setelah itu klik start hotspot.
Isi nama hotspot terserah anda
Isi nama hotspot terserah anda
4. Setelah itu program tersebut akan bekerja dan silahkan mengkoneksikan komputer / laptop lainnya ke laptop anda.
Connectify berhasil bekerja
Connectify berhasil bekerja
perlu dicatat bahwa connectify hanya bisa diinstall dan bekerja di laptop dengan sistem operasi windows 7, namun komputer dengan sistem operasi apapun bisa terhubung dengan jaringan tersebut. Sebagai contoh, kita menghubungkan laptop bersistem operasi windows XP ke jaringan hotspot yang dibuat dengan connectify di laptop bersistem windows 7 :
1. buka wireless network
2. Pilih network yang sudah dibuat tadi
Pilih network
Pilih Network
3. masukkan password dan klik connect
Masukkan password
Masukkan Password
4. laptop yang bersistem operasi windows XP sudah terkoneksi ke jaringan hotspot yang dibuat oleh laptop windows 7 dengan connectify.
Laptop teman terkoneksi dengan hotspot anda
Laptop Teman terkoneksi dengan Hotspot anda
semua laptop teman – teman anda bisa terkoneksi dan anda bisa mulai berinternet bersama teman – teman hanya dari 1 koneksi internet kabel saja  , mudah sekali bukan??
semoga tips ini bermanfaat

Tablet Sabak Nasional, Tablet Buatan Indonesia Dipasarkan Tahun 2012

Sabtu, 11-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 395 hit
Tablet Sabak Nasional, Tablet Buatan Indonesia Dipasarkan Tahun 2012
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Serbuan tablet impor memasuki pasar Indonesia membuat Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) panas. Wakil Ketua Kadin Bidang IT, Telekomunikasi, Broadcast Research dan Teknologi, Didie W. Soewondho, mengatakan tahun depan Indosia akan menciptakan tablet dalam begeri.
Nama tablet itu Sabak Nasional. Tablet Sabak itu rencananya akan digunakan untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar, Menengah, dan Atas di seluruh Indonesia. Dan untuk produksinya, saat ini sudah ada tiga perusahaan asal Taiwan yang akan berinvestasi di Indonesia. Tiga vendor itu adalah pembuat motherboard komputer yang selama ini melakukan proses produksi di Cina.

NSA Create a Yottabytes HDD Capacity (1 Trillion GB)

Senin, 20-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 30 hit
NSA Create a Yottabytes HDD Capacity (1 Trillion GB)
Yottabytes HDD Capacity
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The NSA is building a 92 903 square meters of indoor areas of storage and costs about $ 2 billion a hard drive. This site plan will be implemented in 2015 to store data yottabyte can be predicted. Well, you certainly seek yottabyte right? Please tell me how much it yottabyte.

How now, yottabyte one knows how much? What is to be saved, perhaps it is possible to provide all the information that exists in this world. Even hard drives of this size, if it detects a 1 TB hard disk space for each use it, we can imagine how much capacity will be difficult to achieve. They calculate and back, the hard drive of about 1,000. But from what I read we, NSA is on the market every time, usually have the latest technology not because of the possibility of using the hard disk capacity from 25 to 100 TB per unit and how, NSA is much large hard disk is considered.

– 1.000 Gigabytes (GB) = 1 Terabytes (TB)
– 1.000 Terabytes (TB) = 1 Petabytes (PB)
– 1.000 Petabytes (PB) = 1 exabytes 
– 1.000 Exabytes = 1 Zettabyte
– 1.000 Zettabytes = 1 Yottabytes

Sony: The Japanese Tech Giant Became a Target for Hackers

Rabu, 29-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 27 hit
Sony: The Japanese Tech Giant Became a Target for Hackers
Sony Chairman and CEO Sir Howard Stringer says the Japanese tech giant became a target for hackers over the last few months in retaliation for its protection of the PlayStation's intellectual property, according to a report.
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Sony Chairman and CEO Sir Howard Stringer says the Japanese tech giant became a target for hackers over the last few months in retaliation for its protection of the PlayStation's intellectual property, according to a report.
"We believe that we first became the subject of attack because we tried to protect our IP (intellectual property), our content, in this case video games," Stringer said at a Sony shareholder meeting Tuesday in Tokyo, according to Reuters.
Some Sony shareholders called for Stringer to step down in response to the streak of hacking incidents that the company has fallen prey to, Reuters said.
Sony's troubles with Web attacks launched by various groups of hackers date back as far as April and have affected more than 90 million Sony user accounts across the company's online services -- including its PlayStation Network for online video games, the cloud-based Qriocity music service, Sony music websites and Sony Pictures websites.
No specific hacker groups have taken responsibility for the massive attacks on the PlayStation Network and Qriocity, but Sony has pointed a finger at the hacker-activist group Anonymous, which has denied direct involvement.
Stringer might not be wrong in his assessment of why Sony's become a favorite target for so many hackers.
The company sued George Hotz, a hacker much beloved by his online contemporaries, after Hotz, who goes by the online name of Geohot, cracked through the security software on the Sony PlayStation 3, loaded his own choice of operating system, then shared with the world how to do the same in postings across the Web.
Sony didn't like that and said Hotz's actions opened up the PS3 gaming console to being used for pirated video games. In April, Hotz and Sony settled the suit, and now Hotz, just 21 years old, is an employee of Facebook.
Stringer, in the shareholder meeting, did, however, make clear that he believes Sony's hacker problems are also part of a growing wave of Web attacks in general.
"I think you see that cyber terrorism is now a global force, affecting many more companies than just Sony," he said, according to Reuters. "If hackers can hack Citibank, the FBI and the CIA, and yesterday the video game company Electronics Arts, then it's a negative situation that governments may have to resolve."

6 Cause Inflation to Foreign Exchange

Minggu, 26-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 19 hit
6 Cause Inflation to Foreign Exchange
6 Cause Inflation to Foreign Exchange
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Aside from factors such as interest rates and inflation, the exchange rate is one of the most important determinants of a country's relative level of economic health. Exchange rates play a vital role in a country's level of trade, which is critical to most every free market economy in the world. For this reason, exchange rates are among the most watched, analyzed and governmentally manipulated economic measures. But exchange rates matter on a smaller scale as well: they impact the real return of an investor's portfolio. Here we look at some of the major forces behind exchange rate movements.
Before we look at these forces, we should sketch out how exchange rate movements affect a nation's trading relationships with other nations. A higher currency makes a country's exports more expensive and imports cheaper in foreign markets; a lower currency makes a country's exports cheaper and its imports more expensive in foreign markets. A higher exchange rate can be expected to lower the country's balance of trade, while a lower exchange rate would increase it.
Determinants of Exchange Rates
Numerous factors determine exchange rates, and all are related to the trading relationship between two countries. Remember, exchange rates are relative, and are expressed as a comparison of the currencies of two countries. The following are some of the principal determinants of the exchange rate between two countries. Note that these factors are in no particular order; like many aspects of economics, the relative importance of these factors is subject to much debate.
1. Differentials in Inflation
As a general rule, a country with a consistently lower inflation rate exhibits a rising currency value, as its purchasing power increases relative to other currencies. During the last half of the twentieth century, the countries with low inflation included Japan, Germany and Switzerland, while the U.S. and Canada achieved low inflation only later. Those countries with higher inflation typically see depreciation in their currency in relation to the currencies of their trading partners. This is also usually accompanied by higher interest rates. (To learn more, see Cost-Push Inflation Versus Demand-Pull Inflation.)
2. Differentials in Interest Rates
Interest rates, inflation and exchange rates are all highly correlated. By manipulating interest rates, central banks exert influence over both inflation and exchange rates, and changing interest rates impact inflation and currency values. Higher interest rates offer lenders in an economy a higher return relative to other countries. Therefore, higher interest rates attract foreign capital and cause the exchange rate to rise. The impact of higher interest rates is mitigated, however, if inflation in the country is much higher than in others, or if additional factors serve to drive the currency down. The opposite relationship exists for decreasing interest rates - that is, lower interest rates tend to decrease exchange rates. (For further reading, see What Is Fiscal Policy?)
3. Current-Account Deficits
The current account is the balance of trade between a country and its trading partners, reflecting all payments between countries for goods, services, interest and dividends. A deficit in the current account shows the country is spending more on foreign trade than it is earning, and that it is borrowing capital from foreign sources to make up the deficit. In other words, the country requires more foreign currency than it receives through sales of exports, and it supplies more of its own currency than foreigners demand for its products. The excess demand for foreign currency lowers the country's exchange rate until domestic goods and services are cheap enough for foreigners, and foreign assets are too expensive to generate sales for domestic interests. (For more, see Understanding The Current Account In The Balance Of Payments.)
4. Public Debt
Countries will engage in large-scale deficit financing to pay for public sector projects and governmental funding. While such activity stimulates the domestic economy, nations with large public deficits and debts are less attractive to foreign investors. The reason? A large debt encourages inflation, and if inflation is high, the debt will be serviced and ultimately paid off with cheaper real dollars in the future.
In the worst case scenario, a government may print money to pay part of a large debt, but increasing the money supply inevitably causes inflation. Moreover, if a government is not able to service its deficit through domestic means (selling domestic bonds, increasing the money supply), then it must increase the supply of securities for sale to foreigners, thereby lowering their prices. Finally, a large debt may prove worrisome to foreigners if they believe the country risks defaulting on its obligations. Foreigners will be less willing to own securities denominated in that currency if the risk of default is great. For this reason, the country's debt rating (as determined by Moody's or Standard & Poor's, for example) is a crucial determinant of its exchange rate.
5. Terms of Trade
A ratio comparing export prices to import prices, the terms of trade is related to current accounts and the balance of payments. If the price of a country's exports rises by a greater rate than that of its imports, its terms of trade have favorably improved. Increasing terms of trade shows greater demand for the country's exports. This, in turn, results in rising revenues from exports, which provides increased demand for the country's currency (and an increase in the currency's value). If the price of exports rises by a smaller rate than that of its imports, the currency's value will decrease in relation to its trading partners.
6. Political Stability and Economic Performance
Foreign investors inevitably seek out stable countries with strong economic performance in which to invest their capital. A country with such positive attributes will draw investment funds away from other countries perceived to have more political and economic risk. Political turmoil, for example, can cause a loss of confidence in a currency and a movement of capital to the currencies of more stable countries.

Amero, North American Union New Dollar Currencies

Minggu, 26-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 32 hit
Amero, North American Union New Dollar Currencies
Amero, North American Union New Dollar Currencies 
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Union officials are meeting menghasulkan America, Canada, has agreed to be issued a new currency Amero North American countries like Mexico and the United States. But has not yet officially confirmed the deal to publish.
When you issue the currency, you can Amero currency to euro currency has become stronger competitors daily. And of course, it would threaten the position of the dollar as world currency. And only when the fate of the USD dollar or to worry about the future, be replaced as an international means of payment?

The Amero - North American Currency

Zynga Set to File for IPO Reportedly Picked Morgan Stanley

Kamis, 30-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 31 hit
Zynga Set to File for IPO Reportedly Picked Morgan Stanley
Zynga Inc. could be valued somewhere between $15 billion and $20 billion, The Wall Street Journal reported.
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Zynga, the social gaming juggernaut, may be filing for its initial public offering as early as Wednesday, CNBC’s Kate Kelly reported.
Citing “people familiar with the matter,” The Wall Street Journal said the company could be valued somewhere between $15 billion and $20 billion.
The company has reportedly picked Morgan Stanley to lead the offering. Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Barclays Capitol and Bank of America Merrill Lynch will also reportedly have a role in the deal.
If the reports are true, Zynga will be the latest highly hyped tech company — following firms such as LinkedIn, Pandora and Groupon — to go public, prompting worries about a new tech bubble.

Choosing a Good Mesothelioma Lawyer (Part 1)

Kamis, 30-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 14 hit
Choosing a Good Mesothelioma Lawyer (Part 1)
For over three decades, the mesothelioma law firm of Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney and Strauss has specialized in asbestos litigation. In that time, ELSS has helped thousands of mesothelioma victims get the financial compensation they deserved for the injuries they sustained from asbestos products made and sold by negligent asbestos companies.
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Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney & Strauss has represented mesothelioma victims and their families honestly and effectively for over 30 years.
For over three decades, the mesothelioma law firm of Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney and Strauss has specialized in asbestos litigation. In that time, ELSS has helped thousands of mesothelioma victims get the financial compensation they deserved for the injuries they sustained from asbestos products made and sold by negligent asbestos companies.
Choosing a good mesothelioma lawyer is imperative to ensuring that you will be awarded the highest settlement dollars for your case.
In this section, you can learn more about our firm, our experienced legal team and the outstanding results that we have achieved for our clients. We are confident that after you learn more about us, the clients we serve and our past track record, you will see how we can put our decades of experience winning mesothelioma settlements to work for you and your family.
Initial consultations at Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney and Strauss are always free of charge and are designed to help us evaluate your case and measure your chance for a viable, successful lawsuit. In addition, because Early, Lucarelli, Sweeney and Strauss operates on a contingency fee basis, the client pays nothing unless we succeed in your behalf and money is recovered.
Filing a Mesothelioma Lawsuit
To start the process of seeking compensation for a mesothelioma client, ELSS begins with a brief introductory meeting. During this meeting, an attorney from ELSS will outline the various steps of the legal process; address any questions or concerns you may have related to the legal process; and discuss the ways in which a mesothelioma client has been exposed to asbestos.
part 2

Student Loan Consolidation in the USA (United States American)

Kamis, 30-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 27 hit
Student Loan Consolidation in USA (United States American)
In the United States, federal student loans are consolidated somewhat differently than in the UK, as federal student loans are guaranteed by the U.S. government.
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In a federal student loan consolidation, existing loans are purchased by the Department of Education . Interest rates for the consolidation are based on that year's student loan rate, which is in turn based on the 91-day Treasury bill rate at the last auction in May of each calendar year.
Student loan rates can fluctuate from the current low of 4.70% to a maximum of 8.25% for federal Stafford loans, 9% for PLUS loans. Upon consolidation, a fixed interest rate is set based on the then-current interest rate. Reconsolidating does not change that rate. If the student combines loans of different types and rates into one new consolidation loan, a weighted average calculation will establish the appropriate rate based on the then-current interest rates of the different loans being consolidated together.
Federal student loan consolidation is often referred to as refinancing, which is incorrect because the loan rates are not changed, merely locked in. Unlike private sector debt consolidation, student loan consolidation does not incur any fees for the borrower; private companies make money on student loan consolidation by reaping subsidies from the federal government.
Student loan consolidation can be beneficial to students' credit rating, but it's important to note that not all federal student loan consolidation companies report their loans to all credit bureaus.

World's Longest Sea Bridge Opens to Traffic in China (Full Picture)

Kamis, 30-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 20 hit
World's Longest Sea Bridge Opens to Traffic in China (Full Picture)
That is a £1bn bridge too far: World's longest sea bridge opens to traffic in China... but it will only hold the title for five years
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China has opened the world's longest cross-sea bridge - which stretches five miles further than the distance between Dover and Calais. The Jiaozhou Bay bridge is 26.4 miles long and links China's eastern port city of Qingdao to the offshore island Huangdao.
The road bridge, which is 110ft wide and is the longest of its kind, cost nearly £1billion to build. Chinese TV reports said the bridge passed construction appraisals on Monday and it, along with an undersea tunnel, would be opened for traffic today. It took four years to build the bridge, which is supported by more than 5,000 pillars across the bay, and it is almost three miles longer than the previous record-holder - the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana.
That structure features two bridges running side by side and is 23.87 miles long.
The three-way Qingdao Haiwan bridge is 174 times longer than London's Tower Bridge, spanning the River Thames, but cuts only 19 miles off the drive from Qingdao to Huangdao. Two separate groups of workers have been building it from different ends of the structure since 2006.
After linking the two ends of the bridge on December 22, one engineer said: 'The computer models and calculations are all very well but you can't relax until the two sides are bolted together. 'Even a few centimetres out would have been a disaster.'
The engineering feat will only hold the record as the longest sea bridge for a few years - it will be beaten by another Chinese bridge in the next decade. Last December officials announced workers had begun constructing a bridge to link southern Guangdong province with Hong Kong and Macau.
Set to be completed in 2016, officials said the £6.5billion bridge will span nearly 30 miles. It will be designed to cope with earthquakes up to magnitude 8.0, strong typhoons and the impact of a 300,000 tonne vessel. But both structures will still be dwarfed by the longest bridge in the world, also in China. The Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge is an astonishing 102 miles in length. (dailymail)
The jiaozhou bay bridge in qingdao
The jiaozhou bay bridge in qingdao
Lengthy: The bridge stretches into the distance further than the eye can see and right, the first few cars  roll out across the surface
Open road: drivers pass through the mist as they make some of the first passes over the 110ft wide bridge which is longer than any others of its kind
Open road: Drivers pass through the mist as they make some of the first passes over the 110ft wide bridge which is longer than any others of its kind
Flowers: the first vehicle runs into toll station to the applause of staff and passers-by after the bridge opened to traffic today
Flowers: The first vehicle runs into toll station to the applause of staff and passers-by after the bridge opened to traffic today
Musical mileage: a brass band plays on the sides of the road as flags and banners herald in the opening of the bridge
Musical mileage: A brass band plays on the sides of the road as flags and banners herald in the opening of the bridge
The start of things to come: two cars edge through the toll gates that will raise revenue to maintain the £1billion bridge
The start of things to come: Two cars edge through the toll gates that will raise revenue to maintain the £1billion bridge
Don't keep me hanging: the suspension beams form an imposing sight as the reach through the clouds and look down upon colourful flags marking the bridge's grand opening
Don't keep me hanging: The suspension beams form an imposing sight as the reach through the clouds and look down upon colourful flags marking the bridge's grand opening
The long road home: the two roads which run alongside each other wind across the jiaozhou bay
The long road home: The two roads which run alongside each other wind across The Jiaozhou Bay
Record breaker: the qingdao jiaozhou bay bridge, spanning 26.4 miles between qingdao and huangdao, will open for traffic today
Record breaker: The Qingdao Jiaozhou bay bridge, spanning 26.4 miles between Qingdao and Huangdao, will open for traffic today
Impressive: testing on the bridge was completed on monday and it is expected to be opened to traffic for the first time today
Impressive: Testing on the bridge was completed on Monday and it is expected to be opened to traffic for the first time today
A driver's dream: twenty-four miles of fresh untouched tarmac stretch from qingdao to hungdao
A driver's dream: Twenty-four miles of fresh untouched tarmac stretch from Qingdao to Hungdao

Lucky Beggar: Learner Plate Spotted on Ferrari Supercar

Kamis, 30-06-2011 | 0 komentar | 15 hit
Lucky Beggar: Learner Plate Spotted on Ferrari Supercar
YouTube user Shmee150 said: ‘Have you ever seen somebody learning to drive in a 458 Italia? The lucky guy driving the car was very much taking lessons in the Italian supercar - that's one way to start!’.
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YouTube user Shmee150 said: ‘Have you ever seen somebody learning to drive in a 458 Italia? The lucky guy driving the car was very much taking lessons in the Italian supercar - that's one way to start!’.
He added: ‘This is genuine. I spoke to the driver and he is genuinely learning to drive in this 458. His father/instructor was there with him.’ Many people will be surprised at the sheer bravery involved in learning to drive in such a powerful vehicle.
Its top speed is 202mph and it can hit 60 in just 3.4 seconds. This means he’ll have to be extra careful to avoid over-excited stabs of the accelerator pedal.Video of the Ferrari, which was voted Top Gear’s Supercar Of the Year in 2010, has driven hundreds of YouTube users to air their astonishment – and jealousy.
Riles07 said ‘no shortage of spoiled brats out there’, while SouthLondonFam remarked: ‘My dad learned to drive in a Porsche Carrera, but that that's just taking it to another level.’

LEARNER DRIVER Ferrari 458 Italia - What a first car! + Startup

Risk Factors Some Combinations Cause Early Death

Jumat, 01-07-2011 | 0 komentar | 11 hit
Risk Factors Some Combinations Cause Early Death
New research, published by the University of East Anglia, showed that taking a cocktail of anticholinergic drugs could be extremely harmful to patients — with a higher risk of early death, memory loss and concentration problems.
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New research, published by the University of East Anglia, showed that taking a cocktail of anticholinergic drugs could be extremely harmful to patients — with a higher risk of early death, memory loss and concentration problems.
The drugs include common over-the-counter and prescription medications, ranging from painkillers to heart disease pills and hayfever remedies.Anticholinergic drugs block the action of a brain messenger called acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine helps with many brain functions, including moods and behaviour, and our response to pain. That’s why anticholinergic drugs are so useful.There are nearly 100 different medicines in this group.
Codeine (an over-the-counter painkiller), morphine, antidepressants such as Amitriptyline, and treatments for neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, all have anticholinergic properties.
They have similar known side-effects, including dry mouth, dizziness, blurred vision, urinary symptoms such as difficulty passing water, and constipation. Patients might also become muddled or sleepy.
The problem if you are taking medicine with high levels of anticholinergic properties, or are taking more than one of these medicines, is that the side-effects are compounded, which the new research shows can be dangerous.
What are the Risks?
The researchers based their findings on the medication records of more than 13,000 people over 65. They then went on to follow up their longevity and illnesses over a two-year period.
They then ranked each anticholinergic drug according to the strength of its effect on the rest of the body.So a drug that had no wider effect on the body scored 0; a drug that had a mild effect scored one; a moderate effect, two; and a severe effect, three.
Over-the-counter Immodium was ranked as mild, for example,  and scored one, as did the beta blocker Atenolol.However, Seroxat, an antidepressant, and Chlorphenamine, an ingredient in the hayfever drug Piriton, each scored  three.
For each anticholingergic drug you take, you need to add up the score. The study found that people taking drugs with a total score of five or more did worse in a brain function test compared to those taking no anticholinergic drugs.
It also found that 20 per cent of those taking drugs with a total score of four or more had died by the end of the two-year study, compared with 7 per cent of those who weren’t.What makes this University of East Anglia study so important is that it was a ‘real world study’ —  in that it looked at the combination of drugs that people may be taking, both prescribed and over-the-counter.
Normally, drug companies research a medicine’s safety by studying the drug in isolation. It was also an independent study — part of ongoing efforts to find ways to reduce the risk factors of Alzheimer’s — and was not funded by a drug company.

Action Steps to Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

Jumat, 01-07-2011 | 0 komentar | 14 hit
Action Steps to Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
A relatively new health plan option (introduced in 2004) offers hope. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) work in IRA-like fashion to cover out-of-pocket medical costs with tax-sheltered money.
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A relatively new health plan option (introduced in 2004) offers hope. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) work in IRA-like fashion to cover out-of-pocket medical costs with tax-sheltered money. An HSA is an investment account funded by each individual, with optional contributions from your business. The accounts must be linked to an insurance plan that has a high deductible of, say, $1,000 to $2,500 or more. Money from the HSA pays health expenses until the insurance kicks in.
Here are the key features:
1. The annual contribution limit to an HSA matches the deductible on your health insurance. For individuals the limit is around $2,800; and around $5,600 for family coverage, with amounts adjusted annually to inflation.
2. The employer, individual or both can make contributions.
3. Plan providers will generally be insurance companies or banks. If your business sets up the plan you will arrange for employee HSAs.
4. To be eligible, an individual must be covered by a high-deductible health plan and must not be covered by other health insurance.
5. Each individual has control over the assets in their account.
Action Steps
The best contacts and resources to help you get it done
1. Become an HSA insider online
Quickly discover what HSA plans can do for your business, see how they work, get coverage quotes and more.
2. Get the official HSA word with hands-on help
Administration of the HSA program falls under the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
These HSA Frequently Asked Questions are about as authoritative as they get, coming from the Treasury Department. Download Uncle Sam's All About HSAs guide. Get authoritative answers on who can have an HSA, using an HSA, setting up an HSA, managing an HSA and employer participation in HSAs.
3. See what the insurance industry says
Health insurers and agents are all over the HSAs, with advice and information on getting set up.
The National Association of Health Underwriters has a good HSA Web site with basic info on how HSAs work and how to find an HSA plan agent.
4. Locate insurers offering HSAs easily online
Find providers in your state.
HSA Resource Center can put you in touch with insurance companies that offer HSA plans in your state. HSA Finder is an independent resource with a special help section on how to select an HSA plan for your business. Health Decisions, which represents companies offering HSA plans, has a simple online locator for HSA plan services in your state.
5. Comparison shop HSA plan pricing
Web-based services make it easy.
The eHealthInsurance small business section delivers a complete perspective on small business health plans. The site has a section devoted to HSAs. 

Google Plus features - The New Social Network

The 5 Features of Google Plus Interesting

Jumat, 01-07-2011 | 0 komentar | 15 hit
The 5 Features of Google Plus Interesting
Circles is that it’s not so exactly-like-Facebook as it initially seemed.
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Circles is that it’s not so exactly-like-Facebook as it initially seemed. Instead, it’s a hybrid of friending and following that could get difficult to wrap one’s head around. You can put anyone in a Circle, and they can choose to reciprocate or not. Regardless of whether someone you’ve added to your Circles adds you back, you’ll be able to see their public updates.
The animations for creating, deleting and modifying Circles are also, I have to say, way too much fun for their own good. I admit that I found myself creating circles just to delete them.
The stream — essentially the Google + version of a Facebook news feed — pulls in information from posts made by people in your circles. You, or anyone following you, can also give your personal endorsement, the +1, to any post or comment.
Aesthetically, it’s a big step up from the News Feed. Practically, it has a couple features that edge out the news feed. Google has the added features of letting users “mute” or hide a post in the stream as well. You can also sort your stream by Circles to see posts only relevant to work or to catch up on the latest news from your friends.
When it comes to sharing information on your stream, the functionality is very similar to Facebook as well. The only major problem I had with the stream is that it’s not possible to access some of the settings on a post before it’s published. So while a user can edit with whom they want to share a given tidbit, the options to stop others from resharing that post or commenting on it aren’t enabled until after it’s live.
The photo viewer on G+ is solid, and looks good, though it’s not amazing. Integrated with Picasa, the service lets you tag anyone’s pictures, which could be a serious problem. Users do, however, have the option to approve or reject photo tags, and Google lets you know when you’ve been ID’d in a photo.
I was disappointed with Sparks, which pushes users content they choose to follow. As an avid Google Reader user I’m bummed to see there doesn’t seem to be a way to pull my reader feed into my Sparks. Plus, the content in the feeds you select don’t appear to be sorted by time, and there’s also no way to sort your feeds or view all of the subjects you’ve chosen at once.
For me, this is by far the coolest feature of Google +, and one that really distinguishes it from any other social network out there. Someone clearly put a lot of thought into the design of Hangouts, letting users mute video or audio and even giving you a second to make sure you’re presentable before joining the chat.
Not only does its group video chat feature work like a dream, Google has cleverly integrated YouTube into Hangouts to let you watch a video together. It even fires up a push-to-talk feature when you’re watching a video, so that the speaker feedback doesn’t hurt everyone’s ears.

SceneTap: A Software iPhone App that Checks How Many Men and Women are in a Bar

Jumat, 01-07-2011 | 0 komentar | 17 hit
SceneTap:  A Software iPhone App that Checks How Many Men and Women are in a Bar
A software company has developed an app which lets you check how many men and women are at a bar before you go there. The start-up has installed facial recognition software at the entrances to bars and clubs and keeps a real-time count on the number of men and women there.  
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A software company has developed an app which lets you check how many men and women are at a bar before you go there.The start-up has installed facial recognition software at the entrances to bars and clubs and keeps a real-time count on the number of men and women there.
The hope is that men who want to meet a girl will be able to avoid watering holes stuffed with guys watching football. Women too will be able to ensure they go somewhere where there is a reasonable balance between the two sexes.
SceneTap has claimed that the cameras will not identify individuals and will only check if they are a man or a woman.But the idea risks the wrath of privacy groups and raises the prospect of groups of women being targeted or followed around by men who follow their every move on their phones.
Similar apps have faced accusations they are promoting causal sex and such information would prove invaluable to rapists and sex attackers.SceneTap’s website claims it will allow you to ‘tap into the scene in real time’.
‘How many people are at the bar right now? What’s the guy-to-girl ratio next door? Where are people my age going out tonight? Which bars are nearby? What’s the scene like down the street? SceneTap has the answer,’ it says.The firm’s chief executive Cole Harper, 27, told Forbes that the facial recognition cameras will not be linked up to Facebook or be able to determine a person’s identify.
He added he came up with the idea while ‘bar-hopping, spending a lot of money on cabs, getting somewhere and not having it be a good time’. So far 200 bars across the U.S. have signed up with more than 50 in Chicago alone, where it is based.‘This is going to change the way the bar industry runs,’ he said.
The SceneTap app, which will be free, is due to be released at some point in July.No bars in Britain have signed up for it yet but similar apps such as Grindr, which gay men use to meet up for causal sex, began in the U.S. before becoming popular in Britain.

Choosing a Good Mesothelioma Lawyer (Part 2)

Jumat, 01-07-2011 | 0 komentar | 17 hit
Choosing a Good Mesothelioma Lawyer (Part 2)
After this introductory meeting, ELSS will work on your behalf to collect all diagnosing medical reports from the medical facilities where you were treated. Before a mesothelioma lawsuit is filed, ELSS performs a thorough work history investigation of the diagnosed party. ELSS will collect work history records, including, union records, military service records and other documents to substantiate employment history. In addition to interviewing the mesothelioma client, ELSS will also identify any potential family members, co-workers, and other product identification witnesses who can assist in providing details about the work history and potential asbestos exposure in the case.
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After this introductory meeting, ELSS will work on your behalf to collect all diagnosing medical reports from the medical facilities where you were treated. Before a mesothelioma lawsuit is filed, ELSS performs a thorough work history investigation of the diagnosed party. ELSS will collect work history records, including, union records, military service records and other documents to substantiate employment history. In addition to interviewing the mesothelioma client, ELSS will also identify any potential family members, co-workers, and other product identification witnesses who can assist in providing details about the work history and potential asbestos exposure in the case.
After we have completed a thorough product identification and work history investigation, our next step is to identify potential recoveries through asbestos trusts. A number of companies have admitted past asbestos liability and have set up asbestos trusts to compensate mesothelioma clients who present qualifying claims. ELSS is familiar with these asbestos trusts and their requirements for successful claims submission. For the most part, compensation through these trusts happens relatively quickly assuming your particular case meets each trust’s exposure criteria.
After your case has been evaluated for recovery through the asbestos trusts, ELSS then begins investigation of your case against viable companies who have yet to fully admit their asbestos liability., After an investigation period of about 30 to 60 days, ELSS will determine the proper venue to file the legal action. Venue selection is extremely important and is determined based on a number of factors including: a thorough understanding of scheduling, process time-frame, settlement history, and local laws, ELSS can file a lawsuit in any forum where a mesothelioma client has resided, worked, served in the military. ELSS can also fiel your lawsuit in “open forum” states that are agreeable to allowing non-resident / non-exposure claimants to file.
As soon as the proper forum is determined, ELSS will file a formal Complaint on behalf of the mesothelioma client. The Complaint will typically assert various legal causes of action against the asbestos companies likely responsible for causing or contributing to a mesothelioma client’s diagnosis. The number of asbestos companies or defendants named in the Complaint will vary based on the specific type and amount of exposure a mesothelioma client may have had during his/her lifetime.
After filing of the Complaint, the Discovery phase commences and usually lasts 3 to 4 months . Discovery allows ELSS to present information to the Defendant asbestos companies which document where, when and how the mesothelioma client was exposed to particular asbestos products. ELSS can present this information via written documents (interrogatories) and/or oral testimony (deposition) to the Defendant asbestos companies. The Defendant asbestos companies will also be entitled to present information and/or document to your attorney during this period. ELSS will also file appropriate motions in Court during the Discovery phase on the mesothelioma clients behalf. Additionally, ELSS will likely try to reach some financial settlement(s) during the Discovery phase.
Most mesothelioma lawsuits will not end up going to trial, but rather will resolve in settlements well in advance of the trial date. Throughout the entire process, ELSS will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of seeking trial resolution vs. settlement with the mesothelioma client. ELSS values continued client input and respects the client’s right to decide what may be in his/her best legal interests. Should a matter proceed to trial with your approval, ELSS is experienced, qualified and prepared to do so.
part 1

Bugatti Unveils £1.4 m Sports Car: Bugatti Veyron

Jumat, 01-07-2011 | 0 komentar | 29 hit
Bugatti Unveils £1.4 m Sports Car: Bugatti Veyron
The high-end French auto-mobile manufacturers, who celebrated their centenary two years ago, today unveiled their 16.4 Grand Sport 'L'Or Blanc' in Berlin. The elegant car, complete with porcelain fittings, has revved up petrol heads, most of whom can only dream of sitting in the super-car.
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The high-end French auto-mobile manufacturers, who celebrated their centenary two years ago, today unveiled their 16.4 Grand Sport 'L'Or Blanc' in Berlin.The elegant car, complete with porcelain fittings, has revved up petrol heads, most of whom can only dream of sitting in the super-car.
The 'white gold' car was produced to mark the start of a partnership between the Konigliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Berlin (KPM) and Bugatti.And it is the first car to use the porcelain - more commonly used to build lavatories - on the interior and exterior of a motor vehicle.
The one-off car's world première took place this afternoon outside the KPM workshop in the German capital.And the designers believed that Ettore Bugatti, Italian-born, French naturalised founder of the company who died in 1947 aged 65, would approve, were he still behind the steering wheel.
Jorg Woltmann, owner of the KPM, said that the idea for the partnership was inspired by Rembrandt Bugatti, the Italian sculptor who dead in January 1916 and was known sculptures of wildlife subjects.
Mr Woltmann added: 'The impetus for this partnership comes from the elephants created by the renowned Rembrandt Bugatti. At first wanted to integrate the sculpture of the elephant in our product, then we thought about the possibility of a full service and finally a synthesis of ideas led us to this exceptional Grand Sport.

Foto UFO Terekam Kamera di Bukit Patuk Jokya

Rabu, 26-01-2011 | 1 komentar | 1205 hit
Foto UFO Terekam Kamera di Bukit Patuk Jokya
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Seorang pegawai negeri sipil Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta, menunjukkan foto pemandangan dengan penampakan benda misterius melayang di langit berupa titik hitam. Foto diambil dari atas bukit Patuk yang berjarak sekitar 7 kilometer dari lokasi crop circle pertama atau 4 km dari temuan crop circle kedua. 
Pegawai Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Gunung Kidul Didit Widiatmoko  mengaku memotret titik hitam yang diduga benda misterius yang melayang tersebut pada Minggu (16/1/2011) dua pekan lalu pukul 13.20. Dia baru menyadari adanya benda aneh itu ketika mentransfer foto dari kamera saku ke komputer jinjing miliknya. "Saya baru menunjukkan foto itu ke teman-teman setelah ada berita tentang jejak crop circle," ujar Didit, Rabu (26/1/2011).
Foto diambil ketika Didit dan istrinya mampir beristirahat di Bukit Patuk setelah pulang dari melayat. Gambar benda melayang aneh itu sekilas terlihat sepeti titik berwarna hitam dengan pendaran warna merah dan biru di sekelilingnya. Rekan-rekan Didit lalu mengunggah foto tersebut ke situs blog pribadi internet.
Hingga kini Didit tidak tahu apakah benda melayang misterius yang dipotretnya itu berkaitan dengan jejak lingkaran misterius di persawahan yang lokasinya berdekatan dengan Bukit Patuk. "Sempat kaget karena tidak tahu benda apa yang saya potret itu," ujar Didit
update informasi di manapun dengan dari browser ponsel anda!  

Foo Fighters, Objek Terbang Misterius (UFO) Dalam Perang Dunia II

Jumat, 04-02-2011 | 0 komentar | 906 hit
Foo Fighters, Objek Terbang Misterius (UFO) Dalam Perang Dunia II

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Foto-foto yang merekam kehadiran Foo Fighters dalam Perang Dunia II
Ilustrasi penampakan Foo Fighter di belakang sebuah pesawat terbang Sekutu yang sedang sibuk "berburu" perwira Jerman dalam mobil. Ini adalah karya Yann Delahaie
Selama perang dunia II, pertempuran udara sering terjadi antara pihak Amerika dengan pihak Jerman. Dan pada saat itulah pilot dari kedua belah pihak mengalami perjumpaan dengan objek-objek misterius di udara. Peristiwa ini dianggap sebagai salah satu peristiwa terbesar dalam sejarah UFO dan hingga saat ini fenomena ini masih belum terpecahkan.
Kisah resminya dimulai pada bulan November 1944. Waktu itu satu armada pesawat sekutu sedang melakukan penerbangan melintasi wilayah Jerman pada malam hari. Tiba-tiba salah seorang pilot menyaksikan sebuah objek bulat bercahaya sedang membuntuti armada mereka. Pilot itu mendeskripsikan objek tersebut seperti bola api bercahaya dengan sinar berwarna merah, putih dan kuning. Tidak berapa lama kemudian, objek itu melakukan manuver dan menghilang begitu saja.
Penampakan ini menandai dimulainya sebuah fenomena misterius yang disebut dengan Foo Fighters.
Pihak sekutu sama sekali tidak mengetahui mengenai identitas objek itu. Pada penampakan tersebut, objek itu terbang dengan mengikuti formasi armada pesawat, seakan-akan dikendalikan oleh tangan tak terlihat. Objek itu juga tidak terlihat mengancam pesawat-pesawat lainnya.
Pada mulanya, militer sekutu mengira bahwa objek tersebut adalah sebuah pesawat mata-mata atau senjata rahasia Jerman. Namun tidak lama setelah itu, pihak Jerman dan Jepang melaporkan penampakan yang sama!
Sekarang kedua belah pihak menyadari bahwa mereka sedang berhadapan dengan sesuatu yang lain...
Walaupun legenda Foo Fighters secara resmi dimulai pada tahun 1944, namun penampakan objek-objek aneh di langit telah mewarnai masa perang dunia II dari sejak tahun 1941.
Misalnya, pada pertengahan tahun 1942, seorang pilot pesawat tempur Australia yang sedang berpatroli di atas semenanjung Tasmania menyaksikan sebuah objek bulat berwarna perunggu bermanuver mendekati pesawatnya. Pilot tersebut memperkirakan objek tersebut memiliki panjang 45 meter dengan diameter 15 meter dan memiliki kubah kecil di atas pesawatnya. Selama beberapa saat, Objek itu terlihat hanya seperti mengamat-ngamati, lalu dalam sekejap menghilang begitu saja.
Apabila dalam beberapa kesempatan para saksi mata hanya menyaksikan satu objek, maka satu armada objek ini pernah terlihat oleh militer Amerika pada bulan Agustus 1942. Saat itu sekitar 150 objek berwarna perak terang terlihat di langit oleh militer Amerika yang sedang bermarkas di Solomon Island. Objek-objek tersebut tidak memiliki ekor atau sayap, namun bergerak dengan lambat di udara.
Lalu pada Desember 1942, seorang pilot Inggris yang sedang terbang melintasi Perancis dengan pesawat Hurricane Interceptor tiba-tiba menyaksikan dua cahaya melesat dari arah bumi menuju ketinggian pesawatnya di sekitar 7.000 kaki. Pada awalnya ia mengira kedua cahaya tersebut sebagai api pemancar. Namun kemudian, ia segera menyadari bahwa objek tersebut bukan seperti yang dipikirkannya. Kedua cahaya tersebut tiba-tiba berhenti melesat dan mulai terbang mengikuti pesawatnya hingga beberapa mil.
Ketika penampakan ini pertama kali dilaporkan, para peneliti menganggap para pilot pesawat tempur hanya mengalami halusinasi akibat disorientasi. Namun puluhan tahun kemudian, anggapan ini dibantah oleh pihak militer Inggris. Pada tahun 1990-an, militer Inggris merilis dokumen rahasia yang menyebutkan adanya perjumpaan-perjumpaan dengan objek misterius ini.
Contohnya, menurut dokumen itu, pada tanggal 28 November 1942, pesawat tempur Inggris yang melintasi kota Turin menyaksikan sebuah objek terbang tak dikenal. Panjang objek itu sekitar 60-90 meter dengan diameter sekitar 15 meter. Kecepatan objek itu diperkirakan mencapai 500 mil perjam dan memiliki empat cahaya merah di sepanjang tubuhnya. Sang pilot yang bernama Captain Lever mengakui bahwa ia pernah menjumpai objek serupa tiga bulan sebelumnya di utara Amsterdam.
Masih dari dokumen yang sama, Para pilot pesawat tempur Inggris juga melaporkan adanya objek-objek serupa pada 26 Mei 1943 di Essen, Jerman. Salah seorang pilot angkatan udara Charles Bastien mendeskripsikan objek tersebut dengan kalimat :
"Dua bulatan seperti kabut yang bercahaya terbang dengan kecepatan tinggi dan dapat mengubah arah dengan tiba-tiba."
Dalam banyak kasus Foo Fighters, objek misterius tersebut boleh dibilang tidak pernah mengganggu pesawat-pesawat militer. Namun sebuah kisah menarik diceritakan oleh Leonard Stringfield, seorang pensiunan angkatan udara yang beralih menjadi ufolog (ahli UFO).
Ia mengaku juga pernah menjumpai objek serupa di atas Iwo jima ketika sedang menerbangkan Curtiss Wright C-46 Commando. Objek yang dilihatnya berbentuk seperti tetesan air mata berwarna putih terang.
Leonard juga mengatakan bahwa instrumen navigasi pesawatnya menjadi kacau untuk sesaat ketika objek itu muncul. Namun sesaat kemudian objek tersebut menghilang dan instrumen pesawat kembali normal.
Nama Foo Fighters kemudian menjadi sangat dikenal setelah pada 15 Januari 1945, Majalah Time mengangkat kisah ini dengan judul artikel "Foo Fighter". Artikel itu menceritakan bahwa "sekumpulan bola api" di langit mengejar pesawat-pesawat tempur Amerika pada malam hari selama berbulan-bulan. Masih menurut majalah Time, fenomena itu muncul dalam berbagai variasi, namun para pilot umumnya setuju bahwa cahaya-cahaya aneh itu membuntuti pesawat mereka dalam jarak dekat.
Pada satu kesempatan, sebuah pesawat B-29 disebut berhasil menembak salah satu objek misterius tersebut. Objek itu terpecah menjadi beberapa potongan dan jatuh ke bumi. Namun tidak ada keterangan lebih lanjut dari pihak militer.
Mereka yang meneliti fenomena ini mengajukan beberapa kemungkinan mengenai identitas Foo Fighters, mulai dari pelepasan listrik dari sayap pesawat hingga fenomena alam yang disebut ball of lightning.
Namun, dari antara semua teori tersebut, ada satu yang menarik, yaitu teori yang dikemukakan oleh seorang penulis bernama Renato Vesco. Ia mengatakan bahwa objek tersebut adalah senjata rahasia Nazi. Menurutnya, Foo Fighters adalah sebuah jet yang bernama feurball (bola api) yang diluncurkan dari darat.
Jet ini yang dikendalikan langsung oleh perwira SS memiliki bentuk seperti tempurung kura-kura. Tabung Klystron yang ada di dalam peralatan itu dikombinasikan dengan bahan bakar jet akan membuat objek itu terlihat bercahaya.
Tujuan jet ini jelas, untuk mengganggu konsentrasi para pilot pesawat tempur musuh. Menurut Vesco juga, elektrostatik di dalam jet dapat mengacaukan sistem penyalaan mesin pesawat bomber. Ini mungkin menjelaskan mengapa dalam beberapa kesempatan mesin pesawat tiba-tiba mati ketika berjumpa dengan objek ini. Tapi entah darimana Vesco mendapat informasi ini karena sampai sekarang tidak ada bukti bahwa pihak Nazi memiliki jet misterius ini.
Dan sama seperti kisah-kisah perjumpaan dengan UFO yang tidak terpecahkan lainnya, kisah Foo Fighters yang luar biasa ini berakhir hanya di literatur-literatur para peneliti UFO.

Manusia Berhasil Mendarat di Mars

Sabtu, 19-02-2011 | 0 komentar | 579 hit
Manusia Berhasil Mendarat di Mars
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tiga orang kosmonot-istilah Rusia untuk astronot-dijadwalkan untuk menjelajahi permukaan Mars dalam rangka investigasi geologis. Ketiga orang itu, Diego Urbina (Italia), Alexander Smoleevskiy (Rusia), dan Wang Yue (China) merupakan tim pertama dari tim Mars500 yang terdiri dari enam orang. Ketiga anggota tim lainnya adalah Romain Charles (Perancis), Sukhrob Kamolov, dan Alexey Sitev (Rusia).
Dr. Martin Zell, Kepala European Space Agency (ESA) di International Space Station (ISS) menjelaskan, dua dari tiga orang dalam tim pertama akan turun ke permukaan Mars sementara seorang lagi tetap berada dalam modul pendaratan. Sedangkan tiga orang anggota tim kedua dijadwalkan baru akan menjelajahi Mars pada 27 Februari.
Namun, penjelajahan tersebut baru akan terjadi secara virtual, belum terjadi secara nyata. Semua aktivitas dikendalikan oleh sistem komputer. Jadi pada kenyataannya, permukaan Mars yang mereka jelajahi adalah lantai berpasir dalam sebuah modul luar angkasa yang terletak di Moskow, Rusia. Ini merupakan simulasi penjelajahan ke Planet Mars.
Meski begitu, anggota tim yang akan melakukan penjelajahan tetap mengenakan pakaian luar angkasa lengkap yang biasa dipakai kosmonot. Sebuah robot juga akan menyertai dua orang yang menjelajahi permukaan Mars. Selain itu, seluruh aktivitas mereka juga akan dipantau oleh Pusat Misi Moskow.
Proyek Mars 500 sudah dimulai sejak Juni tahun 2010. Proyek yang dijalankan atas kerja sama Russia's Institute of Biomedical Problems dengan ESA ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efek psikologis dan fisiologis yang akan dialami manusia dalam perjalanan panjang ke luar angkasa. Sampai saat ini, menurut Zell, mereka belum menemui masalah serius.
Proyek itu sendiri dinamakan Mars500 karena mensimulasikan waktu yang diperlukan manusia untuk melakukan misi ke Mars di masa depan dengan menggunakan roket seperti saat ini. Misi diperkirakan memakan waktu 250 hari untuk sampai ke Mars, 30 hari untuk berada di permukaannya, dan 240 hari perjalanan kembali ke Bumi (total 520 hari). Namun pada kenyataannya, waktu yang diperlukan bisa saja lebih lama dari perkiraan ini.
Mars500 memang belum berhasil membuat simulasi tanpa-berat konstan layaknya perjalan delapan bulan di luar angkasa. Namun misi itu telah berhasil menerapkan komunikasi antara anggota tim yang berada di dalam modul dan di luar modul dimana perlu waktu tunda 20 menit untuk mencapai kedua titik itu. Waktu tersebut tidak jauh berbeda dengan waktu yang harus ditempuh gelombang radio antara Mars dan Bumi.


9 Foto Alien Hoax Yang Marak Ditampilkan di Internet

Selasa, 22-02-2011 | 0 komentar | 1504 hit
9 Foto Alien Hoax Yang Marak Ditampilkan di Internet
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Inilah dia koleksi foto alien ‘palsu’ yang mungkin belum anda ketahui. Meskipun koleksi foto alien ini seusungguhnya hanyalah properti museum internasional Roswell untuk merekonstruksi penemuan alien di Roswell tahun 1947. Namun penemuan alien tersebut masih diperdebatkan kebenarannya. Tetapi yang pasti koleksi foto dibawah ini adalah foto alien buatan museum.
Properti usang di foto atas, kemudian diganti oleh pihak museum dengan properti alien yang lebih baru. Jadilah foto dibawah ini. Foto ini pernah masuk ke majalah National Geographic dan dianggap sebagai salah satu dari 100 foto terbaik sepanjang masa.

Ini juga properti alien dari museum internasional Roswell. Foto ini cukup populer di kalangan blog-blog UFO. Namun jika diperhatikan dengan seksama, terlihat bahwa foto seorang dengan pakaian dokter di samping sesungguhnya adalah sebuah manekin (boneka).

Lihat, betul kan ? Kalo ini foto alien yang asli, masa anak-anak main bermain dengan bebas di Markas super rahasia Area 51 ?

Foto ini, bukan dari alien di museum Roswell, namun dari sebuah film Hoax otopsi alien yang dibuat oleh Ray Santilli.

Foto alien ini juga beredar luas di internet dan blog UFO walaupun tidak sepopuler foto diatas. Namun sama saja. Foto ini adalah foto alien properti yang dipamerkan di pameran luar angkasa di Jepang dan terbuat dari lilin.

Foto dibawah ini adalah adalah cuplikan dari film berjudul “Roswell : The UFO Cover Up”. Jadi mayat alien di foto tersebut hanyalah buatan pembuat film untuk tujuan ilustrasi.

Foto klasik dibawah ini beredar di internet dengan cerita bahwa seseorang menemukan foto ini di dokumen peninggalan ayahnya yang dahulu bekerja di Roswell. Padahal sebenarnya foto ini adalah foto sebuah alien yang terbuat dari Latex karya seniman Holywood bernama Don Post.

Foto ini beredar cukup luas di internet dan disebut sebagai alien yang tertangkap oleh militer di Roswell. Kadang ceritanya berbeda dan disebut sebagai alien NAZI. Padahal sebenarnya foto ini adalah foto rekayasa yang dibuat untuk tujuan April Mop pada tahun 1950 dan muncul di majalah Jerman “Wiesbadener Tagesblatt”.