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9 Cleaning Robot Technology and Best sellers in the USA

Minggu, 21-08-2011 | 0 komentar | 31 hits
9 Cleaning Robot Technology and Best sellers in the USA
If you are using a mop or broom to clean the house yet, we will recommend it with some fancy new way to clean a closet or room. Robot self-cleaning cat litter dust in here, for future cleanup.
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The Mop of the Future
Rosie the Robot Jetson era after the family washing space, Americans are dreaming of a better way to clean. Robot maid cleaning technology while not perfect and we found that rapid progress.
If you are using a mop or broom to clean the house yet, we will recommend it with some fancy new way to clean a closet or room. Robot self-cleaning cat litter dust in here, for future cleanup.
Roomba it comes to the future of clean technology, the 800-pound robot is the Roomba in the living room. (Okay, it's like 8 more pounds.)
The company's consumer robotics company iRobot 10 years ago, almost to the floor to introduce a small area around the house dust of your robot is to use infrared technology to sense and avoid obstacles.
When it is complete, return to the docking station for charging, and all you have to do is check that the cleaning of debris and occasional. Depending on the model generation and you get, you can pay anywhere from $ 200 to $ 600
Only convenient for those who can not be bothered to clean the Roomba is not it also be used for endless entertainment ranging from DJ robot cat from the transportation system is the source of.
Mint Roomba has produced many imitators, and if there is, that it is a clean mint robotic evolution.
If it is dominated by the hard floor rather than your living room carpet, mint, self-cleaning robot navigation, it is best. This device is more from Swiffer Vacuum is a robot like microfiber cloths and wet and dry. It might be just $ 199.
Littermaid Self-Cleaning Litter Box
One of the advantages of some of them have cats than dogs, and is not to take their foot. The only catch was: If you do not clean the litter box regularly at home to last you a very, very smelly.
Please enter your LITTERMAID. Sense the self-cleaning cat toilet box when your cat enters the box when it goes, it is to scoop the waste containment unit automatically closed. Can operate up to a week the system is good if you (the video on the website, the security of the system is guaranteed not to draw the dirt on your cat with it. For the owner of the cat rapidly to ensure public spokesperson) to travel for several days, I did not want to hire a full-time cat sitter. Models range in price from $ 130 to $ 200
As your police procedural, crime scene investigators, always wear special glasses, they broke out the black light, so you know, I can see the hidden DNA evidence ?
Even if you have a pet that you committed the crime themselves,, have on your carpet, you can use this handy tool from the devil at the same thing. Portable devices are designed to clean up pet accidents, special smell and comes with a special pet stain and upholstery cleaner. But the real prize here is to illuminate the cache that your house smells of the built-in black light. $ 109.99 takes all.
Ultraviolet disinfection
Ultraviolet light to kill the only good vampire, or want to give you skin cancer? Think again. To sterilize - razor blades, towels, a variety of devices with UV light from all Violight and Company, your toothbrush ($ 50 $ 30) to clean up a variety of tools to maintain. The same company also ($ 39.99) UV's - so you can clean the Mobile, the iPhone does not have an embryo inches from your mouth full. Dipped in Purell hand sanitizer at the end will probably void your warranty.
Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner for
The bathroom, we clean the place themselves. So, what can be so bad Why?
Waste of soap and mold, the experience of your morning shower can be really unpleasant to build, and probably do not have time to go, and those cleaned regularly. Please enter the scrubbing bubbles automatic shower cleaner to be hung from the cleaning solution spray bath and shower at the push of a button. Product review exactly enthusiastic users of Amazon and complained of short battery life more expensive charging low quality, not. If it is a breeding ground for bacteria and shower you with $ 25 per unit, it might be worth a try there.
Swimming robot
You can rent a pool vacuum to the lower edge of the pond away from children. Order or alternatively, the robot can trust to work.
In some companies, the seafood to make both manual and automatic models, including a crawling robot to make the smoke and debris across the floor of your pool. And you during the summer to keep it clean, if nuking the disease using a chlorine pool, you sound future floatron, purify water, to reduce about 80% chlorine Solar floating plate can be used, you can buy. It will take $ 300.
One-touch kitchen faucet
It is oriented "prevention" is from the school. After kneading the dough, then cut up the chicken I do not think you have an annoying hands many times, please go to the sink to wash your hands. But then you, then you should wash your hands again, you will need to be washed. Tap, perhaps covered with Salmonella on hands, get messy.
That cycle, vicious mess, which can be made to avoid tapping the touch as you and Delta. Even without ever leaving his own faucet, water faucet body parts on and off (eg, clean yet elbow) on tap anywhere. As you look at public toilets, combining it with automatic soap dispensers, sinks have cut down considerably the spread of germs.
You can smash a proper trash compactor just because you do not just slide the hands and feet packed in dirt, not what I mean is no more efficient. Smash can look like a trash ordinary reduction with built-in lid waste, trash and never opened (to break the cover, or except that you have a device like an accordion in your kitchen You will make measurements), on its own. Cost of $ 129 off (or shoes) to save money on trash bags to hold your hand and covered themselves with the garbage.
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